We know people are anxious to go recreational shooting in the forest on a weekend, but, consider the high risk of fire danger! Perhaps you could put it off until conditions improve.
We've just heard about the closure to some recreational activity, including target shooting, in the Mt. Hood National Forest because of high fire danger. So far, we have not heard of any other closures on WA or OR state lands.
So, if you decide to go shooting, here's some things you need to consider:
- Shoot early and not after 1 pm.
- Choose a place without dry grass or brush. (Gravel pit offers good protection against fire starts but don't shoot into or use rocks as a backstop. Most gravel pits have some good backstops of real small/fine gravel or dirt. Ricochet is common even off loose gravel.) Dirt backstops are always best!
- Fire Prevention Gear is required. Min gear, FOR ALL VEHICLES TRAVELING IN THE FORESTS, is at least 1 gallon of water, (or a 2.5 lb fire extinguisher), and a shovel. The shovel needs to be at least 26" long with an 8" blade. More water, a bigger extinguisher and a hatchet or axe is always better.
- No targets on trees, stumps or logs!!! They will burn inside and you may not see the smoke.
Other info and details about shooting in the fire season can be found on our Trash No Land website, http://trashnoland.org/fire.html
The shooter is the first responder and is the best person to stop a fire in it's tracks. Be safe out there!