Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Temp Closure Wolf Creek Shooting Lanes, Tillamook SF

Tillamook State Forest, North Fork Wolf Creek Rd, Target Shooting Lanes...


March 2nd through 5th, and March 9th through 12th.
Open to use March 6th through 8th & after 12th.

"YAY! We get our road fixed!!!" 

Ore Dept of Forestry Road Crew is planning to do some road improvement work on the access road to the North Fork Wolf Creek Target Shooting Lanes starting Monday March 2nd. Work will include:

~Roadside brushing to improve visibility.
~Grading and gravel surfacing work to improve the road surface.
~Road widening in places to create turnouts so two way traffic will be able to pass more safely.
~Improvements to the road at the junction with North Fork Wolf Creek Road to more safely accommodate traffic turning right from the spur road onto North Fork Wolf Creek Road.

The work will take place March 2nd through March 5th and March 9 through March 12th. The lanes will be closed to target shooting on these days, all hours.

The lanes will be open to use March 6th through March 8th and will reopen after the work is complete on March 12th.